Tuesday, 20 August 2013

NVIDIA Information

Amit Bhardwaj – IT student who cracked the NVIDIA interview and working in the company since 1.5 years now with the company. He discussed about the selection process of that he faced at the time of his selection….It would be a 2-day process.
1st day - Aptitude test carries 4 sections : (MODERATE LEVEL QUESTIONS)
a)      C-language (Basic input-output, find errors, find output)
b)      Operating system (Scheduling, paging, segmentation)
c)       Hardware(Computer architecture related questions)
d)      Analytical (Numerical)
Each section carries 12 to 15 questions. And there is sectional cut-off.
2nd  day – Technical/Personal Interview : (HIGH  LEVEL QUESTIONS)
The interview was for 1.5 hrs.
In this, you would have detailed questions of the core subjects of your branch.
For CT/IT students, there would be coding/programming questions in the interview. The main subjects for which they asked questions was from 3rd to 6th sem including :
ii.                  Algorithm & Data Structures

iii.                 Database Management System
iv.                 Software Engineering
v.                   Object Oriented Programming
vi.                 Computer Networks
vii.               Operating Systems
viii.             Microprocessor & Interfacing
For other branch’s students, the  question were from following subjects :
i.                    Computer Architecture & Organization
ii.                  Algorithm & Data Structures
iii.                Microprocessor & Interfacing
iv.                 Chip Manufacturing( Pin configuration of various chips)

       ( IT DEPT.)

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